Where do Elevate's Fiber Zone Preregistration Goals Come From?

March 22, 2019

They Aren't as Arbitrary as They May Seem.

Elevate Preregistration Community Question:

Recently, y'all have been seeking clarity on our preregistration take rates, so we are here to clear that up.

Many of you have had familiar feelings or made similar comments to us concerning preregistration goals.

“I find it hard to believe that there are 451 more needed in Pea Green 128.”
“Are there even 638 more residents in Delta 175?”
“If a rural property has more than one DMEA meter/account, is that a factor in the preregistration calculation?”
“Why bother to preregister us if we’ll never get service in our area?”

Elevate Answer:

So here is the long and short of it. Preregistration goals range between 35-65% of total serviceable meters per zone. We have done our best to extract non-serviceable meters on things like irrigation pumps and street lights. 

Zones that cost more to build have higher take rates in order to prove to our lending institutions (private and public) that we have enough interest to be able to pay back our loan. Additionally, higher take rates in more costly zones are needed to ensure that Elevate makes good financial decisions that keep us viable in the future. We can’t provide high-speed fiber internet to you if we go under. 

The footprint of some zones are big, like REALLY big. You may not be aware of the actual boundaries of the zones when it seems like the number of preregistrants is higher than the number of people that live in a given zone. Have you seen the size of Somerset 23? Check out the zone boundaries on our website (https://www.elevateinternet.com) and navigate to the “Fiber Zones” tab to view a zones map. 

And lastly let’s talk about this, “Why bother to preregister us if we’ll never get service in our area?”. Well, here is why. Even if your zone seems impossibly rural or uninterested we have dedicated a team, yes, a whole team of folks, that put together and apply for grants. BUT even the most beautiful grant application will fail if we cannot prove interest in our product. Grants REQUIRE community support. 

So if you are serious about getting Gigabit fiber to your house and you live in one of these zones show your support by preregistering, becoming an Elevate champion in your community, and filling out this letter of support to accompany grant applications while under review https://www.elevateinternet.com/publiccomment

We currently have Olathe 148, Pea Green 128, Montrose 428 C, Crawford 57, Hotchkiss 68, and Delta 175 grants under review. AND news of our last round of grant results are coming soon!

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