Senior using a tablet

Programas De Asistencia

Asistencia para Hogares de Bajos Ingresos

Programas de descuento en internet para ayudarte a mantenerte conectado.

Plan Elevate IMPACT

Reconocemos el papel esencial de un internet asequible y confiable en el mundo actual, pero algunas familias tienen dificultades para costear esta necesidad moderna. En Elevate, estamos comprometidos a proporcionar internet de alta velocidad a cada ciudadano de nuestras comunidades rurales para garantizar que se mantengan conectados y prosperen en nuestra sociedad cada vez más digital. El plan IMPACT de Elevate está aquí para ayudar a las familias y personas que pueden tener dificultades para pagar sus facturas de internet.

Descuento residencial para internet: IMPACT: $20/mes por servicio de internet

Cómo calificar: Los consumidores pueden calificar para el descuento de varias maneras. Debes proporcionar prueba de elegibilidad de cualquiera de los siguientes programas (para cualquier persona que viva dentro del hogar) para calificar para el Plan Impact de Elevate. Una vez que se proporcione la prueba, recibirás el descuento hasta el próximo período de inscripción anual (del 1 de enero al 1 de marzo).

  • SNAP
  • Medicaid
  • Federal Pell Grant
  • Veterans Pension y Survivors Benefit Program
  • Federal Housing Program
  • Seguridad de Ingreso Suplementario (SSI)
  • Lifeline
  • WIC

Asistencia para la factura de internet con Lifeline

Lifeline está financiado a través del Fondo de Servicio Universal y también proporciona servicio de internet con descuento para consumidores de bajos ingresos. El descuento de Lifeline está disponible solo para clientes residenciales elegibles, y los participantes del programa recibirán un crédito mensual en su factura de Elevate.

Descuento residencial para internet: Descuento Lifeline: 9,25$ al mes por el servicio de Internet

Cómo calificar: Su elegibilidad para participar en LifeLine debe ser verificada por el Compañía Administrativa de Servicios Universales utilizando el Verificador nacional LifeLine. Los beneficios de Lifeline no son transferibles. Un hogar no puede recibir los beneficios de Lifeline de varios proveedores. Para ser elegible para Lifeline, debe cumplir requisitos basados en los ingresos o participe en uno de los siguientes programas:

  • Medicaid
  • Programa de Asistencia Nutricional Suplementaria (SNAP), anteriormente conocido como Food Stamps
  • Seguridad de Ingreso Suplementario (SSI)
  • Asistencia Federal de Vivienda Pública (FPHA)
  • Pensión de veteranos y prestación de supervivencia
Aplica para Lifeline

Preguntas frecuentes

How do I sign up?

IMPACT: Download your application, attached proof of eligibility and return it to or bring it buy your local office - 11925 6300 Rd., Montrose or 21191 H 75 Rd., Delta.

Lifeline: Click here to check your eligibility and get the process started.

What does annual enrollment for Elevate's IMPACT Plan mean?

We hate burdensome applications and governmental red-tape just as much as you do. So we've tried to keep our IMPACT application and annual enrollment as simple as possible. If you qualify for any of the following programs, you also qualify for our IMPACT plan: SNAP, Medicaid, Federal Pell Grant, Veterans Pension and Survivors Benefit Program, Federal Housing Program, Supplemental Security Income, WIC, & LifeLine.

All you need to do is complete our 1-page form and attach proof of current eligibility in one the above programs. Then at the start of each year, we'll reach out asking you to re-submit proof of currently eligibility. It's a simple as that.

How often do I have to get certified?

Elevate's IMPACT plan requires a simple annual enrollment. You will be asked to submit current proof of eligibility from one of the listed programs. Annual enrollment is open January 1 - March 1 each year.  Once proof is provided, the consumer receives the discount until the next annual enrollment period. If you fail to submit proof of eligibility each year, your IMPACT discount will be removed from your account. You can re-enroll at anytime, however discount funds are not retro-active.

Lifeline also requires consumers to re-apply annually for certification. If you fail to do so, Elevate is required to remove the assistance credit from your account. Use the Lifeline National Verifier to recertify.

Where does the funding come from for IMPACT and Lifeline?

Elevate's IMPACT Plan is funded through our own operating budget. With 11.7% of Montrose County citizens living in poverty and 14.6% of Delta County citizens living in poverty, we believe providing a program to assist our low-income consumers is both vital to the future success of both our communities and our company.

Lifeline is funded through the FCC's Universal Service Fund and is a governmental program.

How do I know if I qualify?

You can qualify for the IMPACT discount in a variety of ways. You must complete the application and provide proof of eligibility from any of the following (for anyone living within the household) programs in order to qualify for the Elevate Impact Plan: SNAP, Medicaid, Federal Pell Grant, Veterans Pension and Survivors Benefit Program, Federal Housing Program, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), WIC, Lifelin.

Elevate cannot determine your eligibility for Lifeline assistance. You must certify your eligibility through the Lifeline National Verifier.

Can I use Lifeline or IMPACT credits to pay my past due balance?

No. Neither the IMPACT or Lifeline discounts cannot be applied to past due balances. They can only be applied to your account moving forward.
