DMEA’s Amended Position Statement, Regarding Its Fiber Optic Network 2016

January 1, 2016

January 2016

DMEA’s Amended Position Statement, Regarding Its Fiber Optic Network

In April of 2014, the board of Delta Montrose Electric Association (DMEA), drafted a position statement regarding its proposed fiber optic network. The original position paper was amended multiple times in order to reflect the progress of the cooperative on this topic.

On December 29, 2015 the board voted unanimously “to proceed with a fiber to the home and business project, directly, in a phased approach.” Since that decision, DMEA staff is moving forward with Phase I of our fiber-to-the-premises business.

Due to the highly competitive nature of this business, details of our business plan and deployment strategy will not be available to the public. At the appropriate time for each phase, more details will be released and pre-signup for broadband services will be available.

For historical reference on this issue, please refer to the June 2015 position paper.